Con-way Freight Tracking

Scholarship Recipient Detail

Elisa Olds
Hometown Beaverton, OR
High School Homeschooled
Post-Secondary School Oregon State University
Field of Study Mathematics
Scholarship Year 2014
Employee Name Patrick Olds
Employee City/State Portland, OR
Employee SIC UPO

Beaverton, Ore., resident Elisa Olds, daughter of Con-way Freight employee Patrick Olds of the Portland facility, has been awarded a $1,000 scholarship from the Con-way Scholarship Program. Elisa, who was homeschooled as a child, will be a sophomore at Oregon State University in the fall, where she studies Mathematics. In her free time, Elisa works as a math tutor in the Lebanon Public School District and a veterinary assistant at Banfield Pet Hospital. Her other interests include dance and playing the piano.